Action Projects - Bosnia & Herzegovina
Our community takes action to defend democratic values around the world. Explore our Action Projects here.
In the months following the on-site Fellowship program, our Fellows work on their Action Project: an independent venture focused on promoting democratic values in their own communities. A large portion of these Action Projects are also implemented by participants of the EDAVACY Fellowship program during the program itself, showcasing their immediate application of knowledge and commitment to impactful change. Action Projects are as diverse as Humanity in Action Fellows. Fellows apply their new knowledge and perspectives to the communities they impact—in whatever format they find meaningful. The Humanity in Action community is a great resource for getting support—be it with contacts, experience, or good advice.
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Gender and Identity
Senior Fellow Gerlinde Theunissen led a discussion and film screenings on the topic "Gender and Identity" in order to think about and raise awareness of gender inequality in Germany.
Queer Iftar
Queer Muslim Berliners/refugees came together to break fast during Ramadan, as a moment of oneness and community.
I Want Things to be Different in BiH
Stories of individuals (students) who overcame different obstacles despite being labeled as 'different' by the society
Chroma Mental Health Collective: Eliminating LGBTQ+ Mental Health Disparities
Landecker Fellow Michael's Action Project is building the foundational infrastructure for the Chroma Mental Health Collective with the mission to eradicate mental health disparities for the LGBTQ+ community in Tennessee by eliminating barriers and cultivating communities of care.
all.txt: a gender inclusive text editor
As their Action Project, Landecker Fellow Nora is developing all.txt, a text editor optimized to help one implement inclusive gendered language in German.
Queer Political Forum
The Queer Political Forum was founded to provide a space for hard conversations between queer people, activists, politicians and academics. After establishing an organization for encouraging and promoting queer activism, Samu/elle Striewski and Judith Gabler hope to continue providing workshops and safe spaces for queer citizens.