Action Projects - Germany
Our community takes action to defend democratic values around the world. Explore our Fellows' Action Projects here.
In the 11 months following the on-site Fellowship program, our Fellows work on their Action Project: an independent venture focused on promoting democratic values in their own communities. Action Projects are as diverse as Humanity in Action Fellows. Fellows apply their new knowledge and perspectives to the communities they impact—in whatever format they find meaningful. The Humanity in Action community is a great resource for getting support—be it with contacts, experience or good advice.
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Educating Youth in BiH on the Holocaust in Višegrad Countries
The course reader includes an in-depth thematic discussion of the Visegrad post-Holocaust context, the links between war and genocide, as well as of ideology, the power of the state and bureaucracy, and propaganda and mass media in relation to genocide in all V4 countries.
Do we want to remember?
A group of local high school students learn and discuss more about the events of the Holocaust in Shanghai
Space & Memory: The Presence of Jewish Absence in Poland's Contemporary Landscape
Humanity in Action Senior Fellows Łukasz Posłuszny, Michelle Shofet, and Marissa Sophie Schneiderman created this project, sought to re-conceptualize the ways of remembering the war and the Holocaust, and to discuss social aesthetics of monuments and alternative forms of memory in the context of trauma, and on the other hand it also promoted tolerance among young people and a desire to fight anti-Semitism.
The Real Past: Local History During the Time of National Socialism
In her Action Project, Fellow Miriam Mack decided to record World War II survivors' stories of their time living in her home village of Euerfeld, Bavaria during the Nazi regime. With this documentary, she hopes to keep youth in her village well-informed of their history.
Down the Memory Lane of the Sarajevo Jewish Community
Documentary film about Sarajevo Jewish Community
Against Urban Antisemitism: Restoring the Local Jewish Presence
Senior Fellow Jan Kirschenbaum aspires to combat nationalist prejudice and Antisemitism in Poland by stressing and making public the contributions of the Jewish community to the past and present of the country through his Action Project "Against Urban Antisemitism: Restoring the Local Jewish Presence".
The "Wave of Smears“ in 1959/1960
The "Wave of Smears“ in 1959/1960 is a project that aims to raise awareness of covert Antisemitism, educate about the history of hateful graffiti, and develop teaching materials in Hamburg.
University of Wisconsin Interfaith Network
As a response to the global terrorist attacks in November of 2015, Senior Fellow Kyra Fox organized an interfaith vigil together with several students of other faiths from the University of Wisconsin in Madison (UW-Madison).
Become a Fellow
Every year, new Humanity in Action Fellows come together in five cities across Europe and the United States to study how and why people confront intolerance and protect democratic values.