Action Projects - Germany
Our community takes action to defend democratic values around the world. Explore our Fellows' Action Projects here.
In the 11 months following the on-site Fellowship program, our Fellows work on their Action Project: an independent venture focused on promoting democratic values in their own communities. Action Projects are as diverse as Humanity in Action Fellows. Fellows apply their new knowledge and perspectives to the communities they impact—in whatever format they find meaningful. The Humanity in Action community is a great resource for getting support—be it with contacts, experience or good advice.
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Racial Justice & Accessibility Fellowship
Racial Equity Grant Recipient Jalyn Radziminski-Smith launched the Racial Equity & Accessibility Fellowship at Count US In. The fellowship provided tools and resources to it's first cohort of 5 young activists to promote racial equity and accessibility in Indiana.
The Financial Activist Playbook
Senior Fellow and 2020 Racial Equity Grantee Jasmine Rashid authors new Financial Playbook to help activists support financially disadvantaged individuals of the BIPOC community.
California Law Review in Context
Senior Fellow and Racial Equity Grantee Samson Lim launches CLR in Context in an effort to empower underrepresented voices in legal journalism as well as inspire new conversations around human-centered lawyering.
Breaking Bread
Senior Fellow and 2020 Racial Equity Grantee Michael Scott and Managing Partner Helen Kramer launch Breaking Bread, a conversation series that assembles diverse identities to explore differing perspectives on controversial topics.
A discussion space for the whole city
During his Action Project Yannik Roscher created a new spaces for democratic coexistence, where people who are underrepresented in public discourse are involved in the process. His project took primarily place in Frankfurt/ Main and focused on social justice, democracy and social cohesion.
“In Conversation with... Angela Davis”
In her Action Project, Lamisa Mustafa is building on the activist work she has already been doing at her university. The conversation with Dr. Angela Davis is just one of many events organized by Lamisa as part of the larger effort by the SMU’s Human Rights Council to advance and ensure racial justice on and off campus.
The Catalyst Commissions Protect Democracy Edition
Landecker Democracy Fellow Sharon M. Chin is the Executive Director and Founder of Creative Sanctum. A digital magazine focused on amplifying the behind-the-scenes creative processes of artists, Creative Sanctum also empowers artists as activists. Sharon seeks to implement community-driven commissioned artwork to mobilize community voices in protecting democracy.
Bricks, Not Cards: Boosting Leadership Skills for Young Activists
Landecker Democracy Fellow Tara Dickman's project aims to help the Different Leaders, a nation-wide youth group of 125 successful students and professionals from underserved backgrounds in France, to become sustainable changemakers for more inclusive, just, and sustainable societies.
Become a Fellow
Every year, new Humanity in Action Fellows come together in five cities across Europe and the United States to study how and why people confront intolerance and protect democratic values.