Action Projects - Poland
Our community takes action to defend democratic values around the world. Explore our Action Projects here.
In the 11 months following the on-site Fellowship program, our Fellows work on their Action Project: an independent venture focused on promoting democratic values in their own communities. Action Projects are as diverse as Humanity in Action Fellows. Fellows apply their new knowledge and perspectives to the communities they impact—in whatever format they find meaningful. The Humanity in Action community is a great resource for getting support—be it with contacts, experience or good advice. Click here for short films featuring a selection of our Senior Fellows' Action Projects.
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Human Library with Refugees and Immigrants
A series of meetings reinforcing intercultural dialogue between local community, immigrants and refugees.
Poland for All
Poland for All is a short film intended to communicate the positive changes in society as a whole and show the youngest Poles of different origins.
Voices from Poland
Voices from Poland was an oral history project aimed at collecting stories from ethnic minority groups in Poland.
When I Fall Silent, Silent Falls the World
When I Fall Silent, Silent Falls the World is a campaign aimed at debunking stereotypes and spreading knowledge about the situation Roma people found themselves in as a result of the armed conflict in Kosovo through film screenings, discussions and exhibitions of photography.
Podlaskie – Multicultural Melting Pot: We Have Lived Here Together for Centuries
Podlaskie – Multicultural Melting Pot: We Have Lived Here Together for Centuries is an educational workshop aimed to inspire teachers to generate new ideas for educational activities addressed to young people, covering the theme of multiculturalism in Poland.
8 Stories That Have Not Changed the World
8 Stories That Have Not Changed the World is a film meant to meet representatives of the oldest, most diverse Jewish generation and talk with them about their youth and life before the Second World War.
High School Teachers as Fake News Busters
As his Action Project, Landecker Democracy Fellow Artur is gathering best practices in education for critical thinking, media literacy and recognizing fake news.
Beyond Black Mirror: Understanding Social Scoring in Europe
For his Action Project, Landecker Democracy Fellow Maciej attempts to shed light on European social scoring practices. To do this, he is producing a limited series podcast and launching a public dialogue exchange.