Action Projects - USA
Our community takes action to defend democratic values around the world. Explore our Fellows' Action Projects here.
In the 11 months following the on-site Fellowship program, our Fellows work on their Action Project: an independent venture focused on promoting democratic values in their own communities. Action Projects are as diverse as Humanity in Action Fellows. Fellows apply their new knowledge and perspectives to the communities they impact—in whatever format they find meaningful. The Humanity in Action community is a great resource for getting support—be it with contacts, experience or good advice. Click here for short films featuring a selection of our Senior Fellows' Action Projects.
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The Words: On Memory, Temporalities, and Exile
As part of their Democracy Fellowship Action Project, Zain is archiving narratives of political imprisonment and exile within Syria and the diaspora. They begin by tracing moments of exile within their family, which unfold into a continuum of experiences.
Heritage Horizons: Capsules of Bosnian Diaspora Narratives
In a world where cultural identity can often be diluted, Sarajevo Fellows Almina Bajic, Aranxa Parra, David Bakum, and Zeke Rouse – embarked on a mission to preserve and celebrate the rich cultural heritage of Bosnian diaspora communities.
Supporting Refugee Children in Utrecht: Turning Interests into Activities
Refugee children choose cake decorating by vote. After a drawing workshop, they decorate these cakes, bringing their visions to life.
At the Gates of Fort Australia: The Struggle for Compassion and Safety
Public screening of Eva Orner's documentary 'Chasing Asylum' with a panel discussion and Q&A on Australia's harsh refugee policies
Continuous Existence of and Discrimination Against Muslims in Germany
A workshop to reflect upon the continuous existence of and discrimination against Muslims on the current German territory prior to 1950.
Inclusive democracy
Landecker Democracy Fellow Farah's project highlights and addresses the root causes of misinformation about marginalized communities through storytelling, workshops, and a social media campaign.
Welcoming New Residents in Gdansk
Kacper seeks to create a structured, well-planned, coherent program based on support to new residents of Gdansk who resettled in the city after fleeing unsafe home countries; in particular, those who have fled Belarus since August 2020. Kacper seeks to involve local community members, which would allow for Belarusians' integration within local community as well as strengthened Belarusian-Polish relations in Gdansk.
Understanding Past & Present Migration in Greece
Sebene’s Landecker Democracy Fellowship project aims to promote social cohesion and tackle xenophobia in Greece by fostering a public discussion about the importance of migration in our society and by giving more positive visibility to migrant communities.