In 2011, the world witnessed powerful events unfold across the globe, especially in the Middle East and North Africa. These events propelled youth to the forefront — fighting for their rights, freedom and democracy. In response, Humanity in Action Denmark organized “Youth for Democracy,” a conference in Copenhagen for more than 200 participants from all across the world. The main goal of this conference was to bring together experts and activists and to learn from young people who are struggling for democracy.

The conference featured leaders of the uprisings in Egypt and Serbia, together with youth representatives from countries that are not yet democratic: Belarus, Burma, Syria, Zimbabwe and North and South Sudan. In the struggle to form new democracies, youth representatives are currently using nonviolent methods to foster change in these countries.
“Youth for Democracy” was a unique opportunity for youth across the world to meet and share ideas, experiences and knowledge. Participants developed bonds and friendships with others who are active in the global fight for better lives and human rights. The conference was open to specialists from all over the world, as well as the general public.
The conference was sponsored by the Danish Foreign Ministry, the Dutch Minstry of Health, Welfare and Sports (VWS). Humanity in Action worked in partnership with British Council and Politiken on developing a number of thematic workshops and events throughout the project.