Featured Senior Fellows
Meet the people behind the scenes, making a difference where it counts.
All Featured Senior Fellows
Artur Wieczorek
Honorine Goueth
Humanity in Action inspired Senior Fellow Honorine Goueth to devote herself to social activism and to combat systemic inequalities, leading her to found the D Project.
Jan Kirschenbaum
Senior Fellow Jan Kirschenbaum is dedicated to preventing marginalization and discrimination through his work as co-founder of the organization Cukanft Jewish Association, which is dedicated to increasing Polish Jewish inclusion within Polish history and society.
Anoush Baghdassarian
Senior Fellow Anough Baghdassrian is an aspiring human rights lawyer who is dedicated to acknowledging all individuals “Forgotten” by history, fighting for those in jeopardy of similar futures, and giving genocide victims a platform to tell their story.
Mariana Karkoutly
After witnessing countless human rights violations while living in Syria, Senior Fellow Mariana Karkoutly’s passion for advocacy continued to grow with Humanity in Action's Berlin Fellowship, where she was inspired to utilize human rights as a tool to hold countries accountable on an international level.
Madeeha Mehmood
Currently in grad school for a Master's in Public Administration and Policy at American Univeristy in Washington D.C. and working as a Field Director with Virginia Democrats for Elaine Luria. Previously worked with public affairs and communication in various government institutions, specializing in community-building events and social media campaigns.
Henry Alt-Haaker
Priyanka Kalra
Having grown up in India, Senior Fellow Priyank Kalra knows all too well the divide between privilege and action, especially when it comes to businesses' impact on the environment. Through strategy and consulting, Priyanka supports businesses in shaping a cleaner world.