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Featured Action Project Videos

Through independent ventures in many sizes and formats, our Senior Fellows take social change in their own hands.

A core element of Humanity in Action is the Action. As part of the Fellowship experience, our Fellows implement an Action Project: an independent civic initiative focused on promoting democratic values in their own communities, and beyond. The projects are as diverse as Humanity in Action Fellows. Our Fellows apply their new knowledge and perspectives to the communities they impact—in whatever format they find meaningful. This page features short videos on over 30 different projects. The films were produced by our Senior Fellows Spencer Heijnen and Joel Vargas with voice overs from Senior Fellow Anna Duensing.

(C) Devron Enarson, The Ghoul Exhibition


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We thank the following institutions for their trust in and support of the project ideas of our Senior Fellows:

Foundation "Remembrance, Responsibility and Future"

Germeshausen Foundation

Private Donors