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Pre-Genocide - Warnings and Readiness to Protect
An anthology of personal interpretations, by researchers and writers, about alarm bells and the readiness to protect prior to genocides. The essays in this volume focus on the 1930s before the Holocaust in Germany, Poland, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands and Denmark - as well as the years before the genocides in Armenia, Cambodia, Kurdistan, Rwanda and Bosnia.
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How Humanity in Action Shaped My Recent Book on Human Rights
The book traces the role of human rights concerns in US foreign policy during the 1980s, focusing on the struggle among the Reagan administration and members of Congress. It demonstrates how pressure from Congress led the administration to reconsider its approach to human rights and craft a conservative human rights policy shaped by anti-communism and connected to selective attempts to promote democracy.
From Public Health Crisis to Human Rights Crisis: The Impact of COVID-19 on Marginalised Groups in Uganda
Senior Fellow and doctoral researcher Tanja Dittfeld shares her thoughts on the impact of COVID-19 on the most marginalized in Uganda.
COVID-19: A Smokescreen for Homophobia
Senior Fellow Tanja Dittfeld writes on how the LGBTQ+ community in Uganda is being targeted during the COVID-19 pandemic.
ROMA - A Discussion of Diversity and the Treatment of Minorities in Europe: Unit 1
Explore the European Roma's history and the contemporary issues they face regarding race, identity, discrimination, and their impacts on European politics through the first unit of Humanity in Action Denmark's and CanopyLAB's e-course.
ROMA - A Discussion of Diversity and the Treatment of Minorities in Europe: Unit 2
Explore the European Roma's history and the contemporary issues they face regarding race, identity, discrimination, and their impacts on European politics through the second unit of Humanity in Action Denmark's and CanopyLAB's e-course.
ROMA - A Discussion of Diversity and the Treatment of Minorities in Europe: Unit 3
Explore the European Roma's history and the contemporary issues they face regarding race, identity, discrimination, and their impacts on European politics through the third unit of Humanity in Action Denmark's and CanopyLAB's e-course.
ROMA - A Discussion of Diversity and the Treatment of Minorities in Europe: Unit 4
Explore the European Roma's history and the contemporary issues they face regarding race, identity, discrimination, and their impacts on European politics through the fourth and final unit of Humanity in Action Denmark's and CanopyLAB's e-course.
#MeToo vs. Denmark
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