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Mable Dube: Charting a Course for Transformative Global Governance
This essay examines how the UN Summit for the Future can reimagine global governance, proposing innovative ideas such as a Global Civic Charter, a Democracy and Human Rights Council, and the use of technology to enhance transparency.
Gilberto Morishaw: Seeing Through the Scattered Pieces
From cataclysm to catastrophes, skirmishes and uncertainties, there is a high-calling for global institutions, governments and leaders to act upon the meta-crisis the world is living in. The response is scattered. Many people feel that institutions, both domestic and multilateral are failing us. It is not a surprise that we see a rise in democratic decay, political extremism, humanitarian crises, and countless climate disasters.
A vindication of the rights of all
Senior Landecker Fellow Judith Blijden wrote an opinion piece about what inspired her to create "The Digital Period", her Action Project.
Landecker Senior Fellow Lievnath Faber - Fighting Antisemitism and Racism
Humanity in Action calls Landecker Fellow Lievnath Faber to talk about her Action Project.
Landecker Fellow Ireen Kars - Awakening the private sector
Humanity in Action catches up with Ireen Kars on her Action Project.
Landecker Fellow Zawdie Sandvliet - Bridging the digital divide in Amsterdam
Humanity in Action spoke to Zawdie about his Fellowship project.
Fellowship Vlog with David Limaverde
2019 Amsterdam Fellow Marilou Niedda interviews Brazilian-born, Amsterdam-based Art Educator, David Limaverde, on how art can be use as a tool of conflict resolution.
Fellowship Vlog: Community Day #1
The 2019 Amsterdam Fellows banded together to devote a day of their Fellowship to helping clean the plastic from Amsterdam's canals. Listen to why they are taking action to protect the environment.