COVID-19: Misinformation Media Campaign for the Public and Toolkit for Providers
Authors: Asha Shajahan, USA, 2021
Landecker Democracy Fellow Asha Shajahan, MD, MHSA is a primary care physician, the Graduate Medical Education Director of Social Equity and Health Disparities at Beaumont Health and the Medical Director of Community Health at Beaumont Hospital, Grosse Pointe in the USA. Asha proposes to equip doctors with a fact-checking tool that can help guide evidence-based outcomes and advice.
LandeckerFellow Flavia Matei - Migrant Care Workers in Austria
Video | International, Avgusta 2021
Humanity in Action spoke to #LandeckerFellow Flavia Matei about her Fellowship project.
A code of living: protecting women's health during COVID-19
News | USA, 30 Novembra 2020
Landecker Fellow Dr. Asha Shajahan has started a monthly blog on Psychology Today, "combining purpose, knowledge, creativity, and health." She kickstarted her blog, Code of Living, with her first article "Protecting Women's Health During COVID-19."