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Two Trees in Jerusalem



“They simply wanted to be normal in a time when normality was ‘out to lunch,’ as my mother would say.”  Cornelia Schmalz-Jacobsen

Cornelia Schmalz-Jacobsen in her touching account, Two Trees in Jerusalem, tells about the resistance of her parents, Donata and Eberhard Helmrich, against the horrors of National Socialism. For them it was normal to help persecuted, hunted Jews, and save as many lives as they could. Their unfaltering personal courage shows, that even in times of dictatorship and murderous regimes, it is possible to save lives. The Israeli Memorial site in Jerusalem, Yad Vashem, honored them as “Righteous among the Nations” each with a tree. These two trees commemorate the courageous German couple, the Helmrichs. Cornelia Schmalz-Jacobsen is a former member of German Bundestag, the former Federal Commissioner for Foreigner’s Affairs, Chair Emeritus of Humanity in Action Germany and now its Honorary Chair.

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