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HIA BiH International Webinar - Better decision-making for better environmental justice: A practical exercise in advance of COP 26
Humanity in Action BiH Team is organizing the next segment in this year's Action Project Lab Series - the First International Webinar. The International Webinar will take place on Thursday, October 28th from 18:00 - 20:00 CEST // 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm EDT and the topic of conversation will be "Better decision-making for better environmental justice: A practical exercise in advance of COP 26."
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Održana Treća PDVIAGMM Alumni Konferencija
Konferencija je poslužila kao platforma za kolektivno razmišljanje o postignućima, izazovima i transformacijskoj moći ovog Fellowshipa, sa fokusom prema budućnosti. Ulaskom u drugu deceniju implementacije programa, konferencija je naglasila važnost kretanja naprijed vodeći se zajedničkom vizijom budućnosti programa koji je imao ključnu ulogu u promociji demokratskih vrijednosti i osnaživanju novih mladih lidera u BiH.
The 3rd EDVACAY Alumni Conference: Shaping the Future of Youth’s Democratic Leadership
Welcome to the "Shaping the Future" Alumni Conference.
Obilježen Dan menstrualnog zdravlja uz igru na ploči "Ciklus"
Mladi iz BiH uz podršku UNFPA, razvili su igru na ploči "Ciklus" s ciljem edukacije i borbe protiv stigmatizacije prema menstruaciji i menstrualnom zdravlju. Igra je počela da dobija pažnju javnosti u skorije vrijeme.
Humanity in Action Welcomes the 2024 Bosnian Fellows Cohort
From a competitive pool of applicants, 8 Fellows from Bosnia and Herzegovina were selected to join the 2024 Humanity in Action Fellows cohort.
Humanity in Action Bosnia and Herzegovina Announces the 2023 Bosnian Fellows Cohort
From a competitive pool of applicants, four Fellows from Bosnia and Herzegovina were selected to join the 2022 Humanity in Action Fellows cohort.
PDVIAGMM 22/23: Održan treći modul - projektni menadžment trening u Neumu
Treći modul programa "Poticanje demokratskih vrijednosti i aktivnog građanstva među mladima" - projektni i finansijski menadžment održan u Neumu.
Maida becomes President of Network for Building Peace
2022 Fellow Maida Zagorac becomes the President of Network for Building Peace, an organization aiming towards comprehensive renewal of social and economic life in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Educational module of the 11. cycle of EDVACAY completed
On Human Rights Day, 10th December 2022., the 11th cycle of our program „Encouraging Democratic Values and Active Citizenship Among Youth“ started and gathered 15 Fellows from across Bosnia and Herzegovina.