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Humanity in Action in the Midst of COVID-19
The idea behind our web conversations series is to take a topic critical to our democracies and ask the members of our community to share reflections, actions and observations that deal with the subject.
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25 Women Using their Voices to Move Our Society
German Senior Fellow Esra Karakaya (Atlanta, 2017) was featured by Edition F Magazine.
Senior Fellow Anne Aulinger organizes Berlin grassroots project to clean Stumbling Stones (Stolpersteine)
2014 Berlin Senior Fellow Anne Aulinger, with Ben Fisher, organizes the project to clean Berlin Stolpersteine on Holocaust Remembrance Day.
Meet the newly elected Board of Directors
The General Assembly elected a new Board of Directors in mid-December 2018. We wholeheartedly thank our previous board members for their passionate commitment, for their endless energy and support and look forward to engaging with them in different capacities.
"Das schwarze Leben scheint weniger wert"
Senior Fellow Narku Laing writes about how black lives and African lives are not afforded equal rights in a book covered by Migazin
Kafkaeske Rechtsetzung – Der Ausschluss von Menschen aus sicheren Herkunftsstaaten vom Arbeitsmarkt
2017 John Lewis Fellow David Werdermann published a piece on, a German blog on constitutional law. The piece, "Kafkaeske Rechtsetzung – Der Ausschluss von Menschen aus sicheren Herkunftsstaaten vom Arbeitsmarkt," challenges legal developments in the context of asylum law's definition of "safe countries."
Süddeutsche Zeitung announces Humanity in Action conference on racism
Süddeutsche Zeitung announces Humanity in Action conference "Racism of the Present. Future in Solidarity."
Cause of Death? Escape
For Mittelbayerische, a German newspaper, Senior Fellow Narku Laing writes about the lack of action taken to address the rising death toll in the Mediterranean.
Ich wünsche mir eine Kultur des Antirassismus
The German constitution prohibits racism. But do Germans act accordingly? Our Senior Fellow Gülay Gün's perspectives were recently published in Die Zeit, a major German magazine.