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Humanity in Action the Netherlands Announces the 2021 Dutch Fellows Cohort
From a competitive pool of applicants, nine Fellows from the Netherlands were selected to join the 2021 Humanity in Action Fellows cohort.
Flavia Matei's "Labor dispute and care" wins SozialMarie award
Landecker Democracy Fellow Flavia Matei's project "Labor dispute and care" has won the SozialMarie award for social innovation.
Livecast 'Reinventing Democratic Spaces': Amsterdam Action Academy
May 5th is Dutch Liberation Day. Every year, we remind ourselves that we need to protect our freedom as well as our democracy and that – regardless of how strong a democratic society seems – it cannot be taken for granted. In light of this, Humanity in Action hosted a discussion on the issue of "Reinventing Democratic Spaces" as a part of the Amsterdam Action Academy.
Climate Impact LA: James Crisafulli's Action Project
2020 Amsterdam Fellow James Crisafulli began working on his Action Project called Climate Impact LA, which is done in partnership with Sunrise Movement LA and Earth Guardians.
Landecker Fellow Flavia Matei featured in Kompetenz magazine
Landecker Fellow Flavia Matei featured in Kompetenz magazine to discuss the corona crisis and 24-hour care workers.
The First Racism Quiz: Reflection by Landecker Fellow Lievnath Faber
Landecker Democracy Fellow Lievnath Faber recently wrote a Facebook post in which she reflects on the first Racism Quiz and Knowledge Test that aired on public television a few days after the Dutch elections.
Livecast: Reflection on the Election Results
Hanane Abouellotfi, Associate Director of the John Lewis Fellowship, and Raissa Biekman, Program Manager of Humanity in Action Nederland, amongst others reflect on the election results and have a conversation about how to continue putting pressure on politics and policy.
Landecker Fellow Lievnath Faber's Reflections on Purim
Landecker Democracy Fellow Lievnath Faber recently wrote two Facebook post in which she reflected on the Jewish Holiday of Purim.