Dear Humanity in Action Family,
We joined the community during a period of what seemed like sustainable global progress. We spent our summer fellowships sometimes practically but always passionately idealistic. We wanted to make the world a better place through concerted action with equally idealistic colleagues from across the United States and Europe. But it is during this darker time that we have come to realize that HiA’s mission is more important than ever. As two individuals who have been lucky enough to work in fields that allow us to pursue health and economic justice for all, we look around and we do not see any organization that can do what HiA does each and every day. We believe that what HiA does is so important…
Humanity in Action is at a critical point in its existence. During this time – when everything around us is changing, from the special relationship between the United States and Europe, to the priorities of the philanthropic community, to the tax system and how it impacts the donations of individuals, HiA can use our help as it continues to fight the good fight while meeting the changing needs demanded of it…
We feel responsible to help HiA make that transition. With that, we are both donating $500 in the lead up to a November benefit that will be held in NYC to honor HiA. And we have an idea – how awesome would it be if we showed the audience – the majority of whom have the financial ability to help HiA sustain its mission into the future – our commitment as Senior Fellows to HiA and its mission?!
…We would love for you to join us by donating whatever it is you can. We hope you will join us as we invest in an organization that has done so much for us over the years.
HiA Love,
Amish J. Dave and Danielle Goonan
Humanity in Action Senior Fellows