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Berlin Fellow Patrick Wielowiejski publishes article in "Right-Wing Populism and Gender" book



2016 Berlin Fellow Patrick Wielowiejski has recently been published by transcript with their article “Identitarian Gays and Threatening Queers, Or: How the Far Right Constructs New Chains of Equivalence” in the volume “Right-Wing Populism and Gender – European Perspectives and Beyond” (ISBN: 978-3-8376-4980-2).

The contributions in the volume “investigate the ways in which gender is used as a meta-language, strategic tool and ‘affective bridge’ for ordering and hierarchizing political objectives in the discourse of the diverse actors of the ‘right-wing complex’.” Patrick was also a speaker on discourses about homosexuality in Germany’s far right in the 2019 Berlin Fellowship.

Interested in learning more? You can purchase the book or learn more about it here.