Based on his year-long fieldwork in Northern Greece, Senior Landecker Fellow Nikolaos Vrantsis wrote an article on the political economy of violence titled “Property and revanchism in West Thessaloniki.” In July 2022, the article has been published in the Radical Housing Journal.
“I divulge a campaign of vigilant evictions of migrant squatters by local property owners,” Nikolaos introduces the article.
To contextualize this vigilant violence historically, Nikolaos points to the “distinct trajectory of the Greek property regime.” According to his research, this property regime is “carved by the minimal involvement of the state in welfare provision [and] the role of the family as a welfare substitute.”
- to read the article in full, visit this Radical Housing Journal page
Nikos is one of thirty 2020-2021 Landecker Democracy Fellows. This fellowship, a collaboration between the Alfred Landecker Foundation and Humanity in Action, was created to strengthen a new generation of leaders whose approaches to political and social challenges can become catalysts for democratic placemaking and community building. Read more about the fellowship here.