is hosting an event on January 21st, 2021, together with the Collectif Vietnam Dioxine, calling for media solidarity with Tran To Nga in the trial against the #AgentOrange manufacturer and for the recognition and compensation of all Agent Orange victims. Agent Orange is a toxic herbicide that was spilled during the Vietnam War and that continues to claim victims to this day: 3 million victims over 4 generations who suffer from miscarriages. Hundreds of thousands of hectares of forest in Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia were destroyed. American veterans who fell victim to Agent Orange were compensated with 180 million dollars while the Vietnamese victims are still not recognized by the courts.
Tran To Nga is a French-Vietnamese journalist who is suing the companies that manufactured or marketed Agent Orange, such as #Monsanto (taken over by the German Bayer AG since 2018). Her book “My Poisoned Land” is a powerful testimony from the life of Tran To Nga and her struggles. Today at the age of 78, ill from the deposition of Agent Orange, Tran To Nga continues her fight. Since 2014 she has had a lawsuit against companies that produced and disposed of Agent Orange.
Read more about the event here.