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Yasmin Al-Douri receives the 27 Talents Award



Senior Fellow Yasmin is one of the recipients of the prestigious “27 Talents” Award, the Business Insider’s Gründerszene magazine reports.

The “27 Talents” award is a prestigious prize for young business minds making this world a better place.

Yasmin was awarded for her dedication to research and promotion of responsible AI and emerging tech regulation. “What sets Yasmin apart is her role as co-founder and co-director of the Responsible Tech Hub (RTH),” the magazine shared.

Indeed, the Responsible Tech Hub is a non-profit dedicated to sustainably shaping a responsible technological present and future. Through this platform, Yasmin gives younger generations a voice do discuss the challenges and solutions of digital innovation.

“The work I do wouldn’t be possible without so many people,” Yasmin shared in this LinkedIn post, also noting Humanity in Action’s role in this project.

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Yasmin is one of thirty 2022-2023 Landecker Democracy Fellows. This fellowship, a collaboration between the Alfred Landecker Foundation and Humanity in Action, was created to strengthen a new generation of leaders whose approaches to political and social challenges can become catalysts for democratic placemaking and community building. Read more about the fellowship here.