Senior Fellow Ishan Sharma has recently been awarded a Herbert Scoville Jr. Peace Fellowship for the fall 2020 semester. Ishan is spending six to nine months working at the Federation of American Scientists (FAS) in Washington, DC. At FAS, Ishan leads a special Project on Emerging Technologies and International Security that is focused on countering digital authoritarianism. He is also a Project Advisor at the Day One Project, an all-star team that has curated 100+ key science and technology proposals to inform the Biden-Harris Administration.
The Scoville Fellowship, established in 1987, is a highly competitive national fellowship program that provides recent college and graduate school alumni with the funding and opportunity to work with senior-level policy experts at one of more than two dozen leading think tanks and advocacy groups in Washington, DC. Scoville Fellows contribute to the work of their office through research, writing, public education, and/or advocacy.
The fellowship is named for Dr. Herbert (Pete) Scoville, Jr. (1915-1985), a Ph.D. in physical chemistry, former Deputy Director for Research at the CIA, Assistant Director for Science and Technology at the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, President of the Arms Control Association, and mentor for numerous young people in arms control, national security, and peace issues.