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Letters for Peace



Senior Fellow Raffi Wartanian has observed ideological struggles play out across the world — between justice and corruption, extremists and moderates, equanimity and greed, love and hate. Despite this, his hope has always been to advance the righteous cause of love.

In 2017, he started a project called Letters for Peace to foster constructive dialogue between youth in Armenia and Azerbaijan. The goal has been to facilitate communication in a region where the borders are closed and opportunities for exchange are radically limited.

In 2018 and 2019, Letters for Peace ran a series of workshops at the intersection of creative writing and conflict transformation. The workshops culminated in each writer penning a letter to a counterpart on the other side of the border articulating their desire and possibilities for a peaceful future. They worked with 54 youth (ages 16-32) and, this year, published the full catalogue of letters online and in a limited-edition book.

You can visit Letters for Peace and learn more about the project here.