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Authentic Disability Representation Panel with Jalyn Radziminski



Fellow Jalyn Radziminski has recently co-hosted and moderated the panel RepresentationMatters: Authentic Disability Representation for Indiana Governor’s Council for People with Disabilities, Indiana Statewide Independent Living Council, and Count US IN Inc.

In Jalyn’s words: “We unpack how disability is typically portrayed and seen (as white, male and cisgender) and how this reinforces stereotypes and perpetuates the stigma surrounding the disabled body and the lived experience of individuals with disabilities with multiple, marginalized identities.” The event discussion then examines how these portrayals fit into the #RepresentationMatters movement and strategizes how to increase meaningful inclusion and participation in media, policy-making, and society at large.

“During Black History Month Count US Indiana launched paid, Racial Justice and Accessibility Fellowship. We thank Humanity in Action’s Racial Equity Grants for their sponsorship and support to give these fellows a network of global and national support.

Indiana has been in the bottom 5 states for civic literacy and voter turnout five years in a row, and in 2020 specifically, Hoosiers who are Black, live with a disability, and/or have experienced incarceration were devastated by COVID-19, police brutality,  job loss, and lack of access to voting. Despite these obstacles, Hoosiers are still fighting for their voices to be heard via protest, voting, legislative advocacy, community service, and all other means of integrated civic engagement. We heard their call, their voices and their lives matter! 

We designed this program for those who identify as Black, live with a disability, and/or have been affected by incarceration in the state of Indiana who are determined to boost voter turnout and integrated civic engagement across their communities leading up to the 2022 primary election. In the 1970’s Indiana was the home of the first Black National Convention to address significant economic and social crises, and these fellows will work closely with Count US IN to develop a campaign that works toward reclaiming the power of our communities.”

To learn more about the event, please visit here. To register for access to the event recording, visit here.