On June 3rd, Humanity in Action will launch its annual Fellowship Program. In light of the numerous uncertainties and global travel restrictions due to COVID-19, our times require a flexible Fellowship format that protects the health and safety of everyone involved and that adheres to the national regulations in the Fellowship countries. Most of the 2020 Humanity in Action Fellowship will, therefore, take place virtually from June 3 to 24. We are thrilled that the Fellows we selected this year are on board for this digital journey. We thank them for their trust and willingness to experiment collaboratively. We look forward to officially welcoming them to our community in the coming weeks.
We are committed to providing a deeply meaningful experience to our Fellows this year as we have done for the past two decades. Following a multimedia and multi-format approach including films, skill-building workshops, lectures, dynamic action project labs and more, we are working hard to design an intriguing online program that bridges the past with the present and future.