Landecker Democracy Fellow Lievnath Faber recently wrote two Facebook posts in which she reflected on the Jewish Holiday of Purim. In the first post, Lievnath shares her new reading of the book of Esther, which Jews read every year on Purim. This year Lievnath realized in the story, Esther is an “intersectional Jew”, which means that in the story of Purim she uses three of these intersections – woman, orphan, and in some readings sexworker – to save the Jews from the evil Haman.
In her second post, Lievnath discusses the recent name change of the famous Jewish butter cookie “Jodekoek,” produced by The Davelaar Bakery, to ode butter cookie (Odekoek). The bakery’s new owner explained it as an attempt to “contribute to a more inclusive society by changing the name of the cookie.” Lievnath argues that this is the opposite of the inclusive society, rather, it is “erasure of the visibility of a living Jewish culture.”
Read Lievnath’s posts (public on Facebook) here and here.
Lievnath is one of thirty Landecker Democracy Fellows. This fellowship, a collaboration between the Alfred Landecker Foundation and Humanity in Action, was created to strengthen a new generation of leaders whose approaches to political and social challenges can become catalysts for democratic placemaking and community building. Read more about the fellowship here.