Landecker Democracy Fellow Flavia Matei was interviewed by ORF about 24h care-workers and how their situations need to change. Flavia explained that the care-workers have an average payment of 2-3€ per hour, adding up to a monthly salary of less then 1000€. Additionally, they live in miserable conditions and suffer from structural abuse. Flavia calls for action from the state authorities. According to her, the system needs to implement a major reform where the care-workers are employed by public health authorities and where the needs of 24h care-works are subsidized by the government. Read about the interview here (German). Learn more about this issue in this video from Amnesty Austria here.
Learn more about Falvias’s project “Labor dispute and care” here (English) and here (German).
Flavia is one of thirty Landecker Democracy Fellows. This fellowship, a collaboration between the Alfred Landecker Foundation and Humanity in Action, was created to strengthen a new generation of leaders whose approaches to political and social challenges can become catalysts for democratic placemaking and community building. Read more about the fellowship here.