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Senior Fellow involved in an initiative supporting seniors during the pandemic



What is it all about? “We are a group of volunteers who gathered up in March to prevent duplicating the scenario from Bergamo in Warsaw. We planned to support seniors in doing shopping so that they wouldn’t have to leave their homes during the pandemic. But soon we realized that shopping is just a drop in the bucket… We decided to provide the best possible care to those most in need: at the age of 90 plus, amputees, sick, visually impaired, lonely and very poor. We launched a crowdfunding campaign and… now we give our seniors free lunches that cost only 12 PLN for 2 courses! These are easy to digest meals, cooked especially for us! For many older people, these were the first warm meals in weeks…”

You can support the campaign here.

Watch the TV report (in Polish) here.

Learn more here.