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“Untold Stories | Forgotten Places of Memory” - Free Educational Materials for Teachers and Educators



>> “Diversity, wonderful, open-minded people, professional approach of the trainers, testimony of history. Engaging way of conveying the information.”

This is how one of the participants summed up the participation in the international project “Untold Stories | Forgotten Places of Memory”.

We carried out this project in cooperation with Humanity in Action Germany and Humanity in Action Netherlands. Our starting point for reflecting on “difficult”, often forgotten stories was our belief in the power of education, dialogue and openness to new, innovative methods of educational work.
The project participants took up the challenge and, with the support of specialists, worked for several months on diverse and inclusive educational materials, in which historical education is combined with human rights education. The results of their work are available online, free of charge for each and every one of you in two language versions (Polish & English).

The beginning of the school year is a good time to use them and, together with your students, actively learn about past and present “untold stories” and turn the gained knowledge into action!