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Anne Barnea


Anne is a Senior Fellow from the Berlin Program in 2014 and took part in the Pat Cox-HIA-Fellowship in 2015, in which she worked as a policy assistant in the Brussels office of the European Network Against Racism.

Since 2015 Anne has served as a Policy Advisor in the German Bundestag. There, she is responsible for strategies to promote civil society engagement, combatting right-wing ideology, migration, integration and LGBTI*-issues. Prior to this position, she worked for the “Network for Democracy and Courage”, an NGO that offers peer-to-peer political education on anti-discrimination and participation.

Anne completed a B.A. in Public Policy and Religious Sciences at University Erfurt and holds a M.A. in Social Sciences from the Humboldt-University Berlin, where she focused on social inequality, integration and anti-discrimination. In her master thesis, she explored the effects of gender-specific online harassment and coping strategies, particularly when dealing with threats of sexualized violence. With several projects, she is furthermore engaged in the combat of antisemitism. Most recently, she co-initiated the “Bernhard-Circle”, an association of parliamentary staff in the German Bundestag on supporting Jewish life in Germany and oppose discrimination.


Updated September 2020