Ava Morgenstern is an attorney in Washington, DC. Her specialties include immigration law, asylum and refugee law, and international human rights law. She holds a JD from the University of Michigan Law School, an MA from the University of Michigan, and a BA from Brandeis University. Ava is a Humanity in Action Senior Fellow (Amsterdam 2006 and Diplomacy and Diversity Fellowship 2014).
Updated July 2024
More from Ava Morgenstern
Think Immigration: Immigration Is the Solution, Not the Problem
In the midst of election season, Senior Fellow Ava Morgenstern argues that the real immigration crisis in the United States isn't an oversupply of immigrants but rather a critical shortage.
$30,000 Raised for Senior Fellow Giving Campaign 2022
Each year, Humanity in Action launches a Senior Fellow Giving Campaign which aims to gather support from the Senior Fellow community for Humanity in Action's programming. This year, $30,000 was raised!
$35,000 Raised for Senior Fellow Giving Campaign 2021
Each year, Humanity in Action launches a Senior Fellow Giving Campaign which aims to gather support from the Senior Fellow community for Humanity in Action's programming. This year, $35,000 was raised!
Senior Fellows Raise $31,610 for Giving Campaign 2020
Each year we run a Senior Fellow Giving Campaign, which aims to gather support from the Senior Fellow community for Humanity in Action programming. This year we raised over $31,000!
Job Searching in 2020
Senior Fellow Ava Morgenstern wrote a blog post on job searching in 2020 that was published in the Washington Council of Lawyers. Job searchings in 2020 are incredibly stressful and because of that Ava Morgenstern wrote recommendations on how to handle this situation better.
Senior Fellows Raise $35,462 for Giving Campaign
Each year we run a Senior Fellow Giving Campaign, which aims to gather support from the Senior Fellow community for future Humanity in Action programming. This year we raised over $35,000!
Thank you to our 2020 US Review and Admissions Committees
As every year, Humanity in Action received many applications for our Fellowships in Europe and Atlanta this year. We are so grateful to the dedicated Senior Fellows and friends who volunteered their time and energy in reading and reviewing applications.
Thank you to our 2015 US Review and Admissions Committees
Humanity in Action received 689 applications for our Fellowships in Europe and Atlanta this year and 421 applications for the Diplomacy and Diversity Fellowship.
Thank you to our 2016 US Review and Admissions Committees
Humanity in Action received 513 applications for our Fellowships in Europe and Atlanta this year, as well as 165 applications for the Diplomacy and Diversity Fellowship.
Thank you to our 2019 US Review and Admissions Committees