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Bîşenk Ergin


Bîşenk is a scholar and activist, based in Germany. She studied the Master’s program “International Studies/ Peace and Conflict Studies” at Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main, where she already finished a Bachelor’s degree in Sociology and Political Science with a focus on (anti)racism, migration, Gender, and Postcolonial studies. Some parts of her studies were at Aix-Marseille Université in France and at Sabanci University Istanbul in Turkey.
As a political educator and activist for many years, Bîşenk focuses on antiracist education, remembrance, and commemoration as well as continuities of antiracist and antifascist resistance. Outside of her permanent job, she works with the initiatives “BiLaN- Bildungsinitiative Lernen aus dem NSU-Komplex” and “Bildungsinitiative Ferhat Unvar“.


Updated May 2022