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Carolin Wiedemann


Dr. Carolin Wiedemann works as a journalist and author for various German Media Outlets such as Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung and Missy Magazine. In her articles she addresses new forms of power and resistance, asylum policy, racism, and (anti-)feminism. After studying Journalism, Communications, and Sociology in Paris and Hamburg, she got a scholarship of the German National Academic Foundation, wrote a PhD thesis about the question of subversion in times of digitization and worked as an editor at Frankfurter Allgemeine Quarterly. Her publications include the book “Selbstvermarktung im Netz” in which she analyzes Facebook, and Depletion Design: A Glossary of Network Ecologies (with Soenke Zehle), the dossier “Welcome to Germany” published by Heinrich Böll Foundation and the book based on her PhD „Kritische Kollektivität im Netz“. Her new book “Zart und frei” about the persistence of patriarchy and ways to overcome was published by Matthes&Seitz in 2021. Ms. Wiedemann is co-editor of Spheres, an online magazine about digital cultures, and a member of kritnet, a network for migration research. She is a board member of Humanity in Action Germany and participated in the Fellowship program in Berlin in 2010.


Humanity in Action is committed to providing an open, respectful, and safe environment for its Fellows, Senior Fellows, Program Interns, Staff, Board Members, speakers, partners, and others involved in its programs. Dr. Carolin Wiedemann is our Ombudsperson, our designated point of contact to serve members of the Humanity in Action network, including the Fellows of this program, who experience abusive, racist, sexist, homophobic, or other forms of discriminatory behavior that emanate from other members of the network.

Contact our Ombudsperson