Cynthia Livingston is co-founder and partner of Cambio International, a management consulting practice with a focus on intercultural and change management. Cambio consultants help executives and teams mobilize around issues and opportunities for growth, cross-border partnerships and cultural diversity.
She is semi-retired now. Prior to Cambio, Cynthia worked for Watson/Wyatt Company, an international human resources consulting firm. She has also served in consulting, business analysis and human resources executive roles for the DuPont Company.
Cynthia has taken on leadership roles in communities to promote organization effectiveness, cross-cultural understanding and collaboration. She is former chair of the Organization of Women in International Trade (OWIT), former executive board member of WorldBoston & World Affairs Council and former trustee of the Abbe Museum for native American cultures. She is also a former member of Humanity in Action’s American Planning Board.
Formerly long-time residents of Boston MA, she and her husband, Hank Schmelzer, are now full-time residents of Mount Desert, Maine.
More from Cynthia Livingston
Thank you to our 2020 US Review and Admissions Committees
As every year, Humanity in Action received many applications for our Fellowships in Europe and Atlanta this year. We are so grateful to the dedicated Senior Fellows and friends who volunteered their time and energy in reading and reviewing applications.
Thank you to our 2016 US Review and Admissions Committees
Humanity in Action received 513 applications for our Fellowships in Europe and Atlanta this year, as well as 165 applications for the Diplomacy and Diversity Fellowship.
Thank you to our 2017 US Review and Admissions Committees
Thank you to our 2018 US Review and Admissions Committees
Thank you to our 2019 US Review and Admissions Committees