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Daisy Astorga-Gonzalez


Daisy is the proud daughter of a single mother who is a Mexican immigrant. Her goal is to graduate college and become an immigration lawyer, so she can fight against the discrimination she has witnessed her mother and her community endure. Daisy Astorga Gonzalez is from New Mexico. She attends Smith College and is a rising senior majoring in sociology. She is currently a legal intern at the Center for New Americans, an organization that helps immigrants, asylum seekers, and refugees. She is also a board member and mentor at Students With Ambition Go To College (SWAG To College). SWAG To College pairs low-income high school students with college students to help them to get into college. She is in the processing of releasing her new scholarship as well. Lastly, she considers herself a proud New Mexican, Mexican-American, Latina, and woman.

Updated May 2018