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Daria Sullivan


Daria M. Sullivan is a recent graduate from the University of Pittsburgh with a degree in Theatre Arts and Communication and a NJ/NYC based theatre artist. She was born and raised in the liberal artsy town of Montclair, NJ, where she decided to reside after graduating in April of 2017. While at Pitt, Daria received the Vira I. Heinz Women in Global Leadership scholarship and traveled to Ghana, West Africa for her study abroad experience. This was actually her first time outside of the country and how she discovered her love for traveling. Throughout Daria’s undergraduate career, she performed in six diverse shows with her final two having a strong focus on social justice. These productions helped Daria realize that she wants to combine her passions for art and social justice to create social change. Daria is hopeful that Humanity in Action will give her tools, ideas, and inspiration to do this.

Updated May 2018