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David Hein


David Hein (HiA ’99, Amsterdam) is currently the Head of the Defence Office of the Kosovo Specialist Chambers (KSC), an international court in The Hague tasked with adjudicating cases concerning international crimes committed in Kosovo before, during and after the war there. He is a law school graduate of the University of Groningen in The Netherlands and holds an LL.M from the Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights in Geneva, Switzerland. Before he worked at the KSC, he was a criminal defence lawyer in Amsterdam for over 8 years, worked for a private equity firm and worked as legal officer at the War Crimes Chambers in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. About this he wrote a novel, called ‘A war to call my own’ (‘Een oorlog die de mijne zou zijn’, uitgeverij Contact 2008). He published on national and international criminal law in several law journals. David did internships at the Dutch mission to the UN in New York, and at the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia in The Hague.
He was chairman of a foundation, called ‘Young Urban Achievers’, which supports young people in setting up cultural enterprises. YUA works in regions with high youth unemployment, and with a focus on urban surroundings. He does this all whilst juggling family life with two young children, together with his girlfriend.
Updated September 2020

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