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David Sullivan


David Sullivan is the Executive Director at The Digital Trust & Safety Partnership. Prior, he was program director at the Global Network Initiative, a multi-stakeholder forum that brings together companies, human rights groups, academics and investors from around the world to protect and advance freedom of expression and privacy. He managed GNI’s shared learning agenda, devised and executed programs to expand GNI’s collaboration between companies and human rights groups around the world, and supported its unique independent assessment process. Before to joining GNI, David was Research Director at the Enough Project at the Center for American Progress, where he oversaw field research and policy analysis on mass atrocity prevention in Africa. In that role he helped pass landmark legislation and changed government and company behavior around supply chains contributing to conflict in the Democratic Republic of Congo. David has also supported electoral assistance projects in Pakistan and worked for the International Rescue Committee in West and Central Africa. David holds a master’s degree from the Johns Hopkins University Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies in Washington DC, and a bachelor’s degree from Amherst College.

Updated August 2021