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Dominika Kaszewska


Dominika Kaszewska, knowledge and experience seeker, was born in Poznań, Poland. She is currently a student of Curatorial and Theory of Art studies at the Univeristy of Art in Poznań. Simultaneously, is studying psychology with the intent of being psychotherapist in the future. Earlier parts of her studies include Faculty of Law at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Erasmus at Universite de Rennes (Law and Political Science), and Sinology. Her academic focus is mostly on education, diversity and equality, both on a global and local level. She has worked on several different projects including developing an art exhibition as a part of her curatorial experience, focused on social responsibility and social commitments. She strongly believes that communication and education are the key factors in equalizing opportunities for social development. She also took part as a speaker and a panelist on a Law Congress about the protection of cultural heritage in Poznań.


Updated May 2019