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Elle Enander


Originally from Louisville, Kentucky, Elle is a graduate of Centre College where she received her BA in English and Environmental Studies. She studied abroad in Ecuador, France, Guatemala, Uganda, and Rwanda, researching issues of tropical biodiversity and conservation, community responses to genocide, French literature, and the intersection of religion and violence in Eastern Africa. Elle is currently an AmeriCorps member serving with City Year Boston, an organization that aims to confront the school-to-prison pipeline by increasing mentorship for students in under-resourced public schools. Elle recently trained with the Obama Foundation to grow as a civic leader and social change agent, and is passionate about creating spaces for youth empowerment and identity exploration through photography, storytelling, and the arts. She is currently working on a photography project exploring disability and identity focused on her sister and her experience living with disability. In her spare time Elle enjoys baking, drawing, and hiking.

Updated May 2018