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Florian Druckenthaner


Florian Druckenthaner is a scholar of the German Academic Exchange Service and currently pursues a M.A. in Security and Diplomacy Studies from Tel Aviv University. He also holds an undergraduate degree in European Media Studies from the University of Potsdam, where he won the award of best B.A. thesis 2009 for his investigation into the representation of Arabs participants in Israeli reality TV. He has been working for the Anne Frank Center in Berlin and the European Parliament in Brussels, where he further developed his interest for the Middle East and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. His fields of research include Turkish-Israeli relations; the Iranian nuclear threat; terrorism and mass media, the use of social media in the Israeli/Palestinian conflict and Just-War-Theory. Florian’s involvement with HIA started in 2008 as a participant of the American Program. During the San Francisco Fellowship program he volunteered for the local LGBT Center. In 2010 Florian participated in the Pat-Cox-Fellowship and worked for the office of MEP Alexandra Thein.


Updated May 2008