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Hanna Jaśkiewicz


Hanna was born in 1994 and spent the first 19 years of her life in Gorzow Wielkopolski, Poland. As a result of her interest in foreign languages and cultures she decided to study Japanese studies at Free University in Berlin. During the time of the refugee crisis, she volunteered in Asylothek, a library for the refugees, thats aim is to help them in the process of integration. After completing a bachelor’s degree, she returned to Poland and got her master’s in Ethnolinguistics at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, spending one semester on an international exchange in Kyoto. She is now in the process of completing her second master’s in Japanese studies. In her spare time she helps a Poznan-based LGBT+ organization, Stonewall Group, in various initiatives, including the annual Pride Week. In the future she hopes to pursue a Ph.D in linguistics as well as work for the LGBT+ community in Poland.


Updated May 2019