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Harun Išerić


Harun Išerić is a Senior Teaching and Research Assistant at the University of Sarajevo’s (UNSA) Faculty of Law. Previously, he completed an internship and later worked as a legal associate at the Legal Department of BH Telecom which stands for the biggest telecommunication company in BiH. Harun holds a Bachelor’s and a Master’s degree in Law from the UNSA. As the best student of undergraduate and master’s studies, he was awarded twice with the highest University of Sarajevo students’ award – Golden Badge. He is currently enrolled in the Ph.D. program at the Faculty of Law UNSA, where he is writing a thesis about the rule of courts in achieving environmental justice. His research interests are rooted in constitutional and human rights law with a particular focus on the constitutional judiciary, ECHR, comparative administrative law & procedure, environmental law, elections, and media.

Harun is an alumnus of the Humanity in Action BiH and member of the Alumnus club of the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS). He was awarded with the German Marshall Fund of the USA ReThink.CEE fellowship 2022-2023, as a first Bosnian fellow. Also, in 2023 he was awarded with the European Parliament Sakharov Fellowship. He passed a judicial examination before the Commission of the Ministry of Justice of BiH in 2022. He is co-founder of the Media Law School organized by the Faculty of Law Sarajevo and OSCE. For three years (2018-2020) he was director of the Legal Clinic in Human Rights Law. Harun is actively cooperating with international and non-governmental organizations in BiH, including OSCE, CoE, National Democratic Institute, Civil Rights Defenders, GIZ, KAS, etc. Such cooperation includes delivering training & preparing policy briefs and papers. He is dedicated to public service. The State Central Election Commission appointed him to the Municipal Election Commission Novo Sarajevo for a seven year term (2023-2030).

In January 2023 Harun was appointed to the Constitutional Affairs Council of the BiH Presidency member (Denis Becirovic). Since 2021 he has been a member of the Complaints Commission of the Press and Online Media Council in BiH. He is also a member of the Board of the public institution Odgojni Centar Kantona Sarajevo. Harun was a member of the OSCE Youth Advisory Group (2014-2015) as well as BiH Youth Delegate to the Council of Europe Congress on Local and Regional Authorities (2017). In 2023 Harun was awarded by the Rector of the University of Sarajevo for his scientific work. Since 2015 he has been the trainer of the Faculty of Law Sarajevo student team which participates in annual moot court competitions in human rights.

Updated February 2025