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Hasher Nisar


Hasher Nisar was the 2015 ACLU-Humanity in Action Fellow. He is a graduate of Middlebury College with a major in Political Science. At the age of seven, Hasher moved to Pakistan to learn about his religion and culture. He lived in Islamabad for the next eight years. In Middlebury, Hasher worked as a research assistant where he analyzed how minority groups are portrayed in the media by coding headlines from major newspapers such as the New York Times and the Guardian. He has also worked with advocacy groups and has served on several boards. Hashar was an Opportunity Nation leader, advocating for expanding upward mobility and removing barriers to advancement in the United States. He has served on the State Farm Youth Advisory Board, working with 29 other individuals to distribute $10 million in service-learning grants to communities across the United States and Canada. He was a board member for HOPE VT, a locally funded poverty agency in Middlebury, VT, learning how issues such as homelessness and hunger can be solved at the local level. He was an E3! Ambassador for The White House Initiative on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders, working to educate, empower, and engage AAPI communities. Hashar is also a Gates Millennium, Horatio Alger, and Nordstrom scholar. He was a Fellow for the Humanity in Action Fellowship in France in 2014.


Updated April 2017