Heracles Mosko studied social anthropology in London (BSc) and graduated with a sociology PhD from the London School of Economics. Since 2001, he worked as an Expert Counsellor with the Ministry of Foreign A airs on Human Security and Trafficking in Human Beings (THB). He worked with Hellenic Agency for International Development/Ministry of Foreign A airs and was responsible for the Human Security Network and Public Private Partnerships against THB. From 2004 to 2008, he coordinated the Inter-ministerial Committee and drafted two national action plans (2004 and 2006). In 2008, he moved to the Office of the Secretary General and coordinated an informal national coordination mechanism to monitor and combat THB. His duties were to facilitate the ‘national ownership’ of international best practices regarding protection, prevention, prosecution and partnership. In his capacity as National Rapporteur, his main field of interest and expertise is inter-agency cooperation, identifying unusual partners in prevention and promoting new partnerships with a view to raise public awareness, educate competent authorities and tackle the ‘demand side’ of THB including the private sector (corporate social responsibility against THB). Dr. Mosko was also a lecturer in Panteion University and his research has been published by the Hellenic Foundation for Foreign and European Policy (ELIAMEP), the Defense Analysis Institute, the Migration Policy Institute, the Local Administration Institute, ISTAME and others.
Updated June 2016