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Hope Anderson


Hope Anderson is a community mobilizer specializing in inclusive pedagogy, youth organizing, and human rights education. She is the Community Outreach Coordinator for the SMU Human Rights Program. She graduated from SMU with degrees in Human Rights, Sociology, and History. Following graduation, she learned alongside a new generation of social justice practitioners through the John Lewis Fellowship.

This year, she is completing her master’s degree in Design & Innovation, as she seeks to merge creativity with equity through the field of inclusive design. Hope remains fueled by her passion for unlikely communities and the radical power of chosen families. Through her graduate work, she researches and advocates for housing-insecure LGBTQ youth in Dallas and explores how Queer young people build support systems and success networks beyond traditional frameworks.

She is passionate about emancipatory pedagogies, Queer theology, and the power of “fictive kin” in both historic and current social justice movements. Through her scholarship and advocacy, Hope ultimately seeks to amplify the ways in which young activists form root systems for resistance.


Updated June 2021