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Jaz Buckley


Jaz Buckley is a junior at Mercer University where she studies Political Science, Women and Gender Studies, and French. She is a nationally ranked parliamentary debater and has Won several tournaments across the country. Additionally, Jaz is a leader in other areas of debate. She the captain of Mercer’s debate team, judges high school tournaments, and coaches at a high school in rural Georgia. In the summer of 2016, she helped created debate programs at primary schools in South Africa. Jaz is also active in several activities related to diversity. Jaz has interned at a human rights NGO in South Africa and has worked with student government to increase campus diversity. rough programs like campus Flag Parades and Diversity Week, Jaz has helped make campus more inclusive. She hopes to continue to advocate for minority rights as a civil rights attorney and specifcally address issues related to race and law.


Updated May 2017