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Karl Lemberg


Karl is a first-generation Senior Fellow from the 2002 Berlin Fellowship program. He holds a Master of Arts in Political Science from the University of Potsdam and a Master of Science in Organization Development from American University.
After several years of freelance work in public policy for various German and European government and policy institutions, Karl relocated to the United States and began a career in Management Consulting advising big tech companies through large-scale transformations. He currently supports the COO organization of a large German software company.
Karl has his roots in East Germany and experienced constant change throughout his upbringing and career: the fall of the Berlin Wall and German reunification during his formative school years, the remaking of post-911 US foreign and domestic policy during his studies in Washington D.C., and most recently the erosion of a joint political discourse during the Obama and Trump years observed while living in San Francisco, CA and Dallas, TX.
Updated January 2022