Born in Congo, Kiza Magendane is an independent writer and policy entrepreneur based in The Hague. He studied political science in Amsterdam and Antwerp and has a column for the Dutch leading daily NRC Handelsblad.
His work focuses on power relations, identity, technology, and the position of Africa in the world. He is the founder of Progressief Café, the new independent think tank for progressive ideas in The Netherlands.
Updated November 2022
More from Kiza Magendane
Kiza selected as a Multitudes Foundation grantee
Senior Landecker Fellow Kiza Magendane was selected as one of the Multitudes Foundation grantees in 2023.
Progressive Cafe: Designing a Pluralistic Digital Public Space in The Netherlands
As his Action Project, Landecker Democracy Fellow Kiza aims to fight affective polarization and promote a pluralistic culture in the digital public space in The Netherlands.