As a son of a former “Gastarbeiter”, Mahir Türkmen remains very much in touch with his Turkish/ Kurdish culture. After his voluntary year in Haifa, Israel, he studied political science and sociology at the University of Passau. During his bachelors, he spent a semester abroad in Cordoba, Argentina and learned a lot about the struggle of the Indigenous Mapuche against discrimination and exploitation. Already during his bachelor’s degree, empowerment work and organizing BI_PoC was one of his focal points, which is why he organized the festival Contre Le Racisme twice and co-founded a BI_PoC university group. He also worked at different antiracist projects for the diversity company Vielfaltsprojekte. After several internships, among others at the MdB Ulla Jelpke in the field of migration and asylum, Mahir has started his Master in Social Sciences at the Humboldt University of Berlin this year.
Updated May 2020
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