Mara, born and raised in western Germany, is currently in her fourth year of medical school at Charité university, Berlin. She has also spent one semester at the university of Padova in Italy. For the last three years, Mara has been active in the project “Aufklärung Organspende”, which provides neutral education about organ donation. Currently, she is heading the initiative nationwide. Furthermore, Mara took part in a local mentoring program for children of low soical status for more than two years and has, more recently, become an active member of the Global Health Initiative of the german medical students association. After a recent internship in Togo, Mara, together with other volunteers, is in the process of funding a beneficiary association to support local projects and initiatives in Togo. After graduating medical school, Mara plans to obtain a master’s degree in International Development Studies and pursue a career in Global Health.
Updated May 2019
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